TCI v11 is End Of Live
- Wireless Programmable TCI.
- Suitable for ONE or TWO* cylinders
- For [2 strokes engines] and for [4 strokes engines with wasted spark*]
* On 4stk engines with a pickup on the crankshaft, one spark occurs during the compression stroke and another during the exhaust stroke.
- Easy programming via WiFi connection.
- You need a simple web browser on any smartphone or laptop. (No app)
- Compatible Windows, Android, Mac, Linux
- 80MHz MicroController control unit
- Firmware included
- Non volatile configuration
- One programmable ignition timing curve.
- Rev from 10 to 30,000 RPM.
- Adjustable timing in 13 steps from 500 to 20,000RPM.
- 0 deg advance from 1 to 500 RPM. (To avoid kickback)
- Hard rev limiter.
- Legal Temporary rev limiter.
- Live Display of RPM and Timing via Wifi.
- 1 input for an inductive pickup (VR).
- It is possible to use Hall Effect Sensor or Points (An external resistor is required)
- Pickup polarity can be set to Positive, Negative or Automatic detection.
- 1 output for an INDUCTIVE coil type from 1.5ohm to 5ohm.
(TCI cannot work with CDI coil)
- 1 input for Kill switch.
- 1 output for 12v Tachometer signal.
- 300V 8A 12pins connector.
- IGBT Coil driver
- Coil Over Voltage: Max 430v
- Coil current: Max 15A
- Coil protection: Shut off after 1sec without pickup signal.
- Power supply voltage: 12v battery (DC 6 to 16 volts).
- Quiescent current 30mA
- Protected against reverse supply voltage.
- Dimensions: 100 x 60 x 25mm (3.9 x 2.4 x 1inch)
- Plastic box potted for Electrical insulation, Protecting components from mechanical shock and vibration, thermal shock or moisture.
- 15cm(6”) 1.5mm2(16AWG) wires soldered with 6.3mm automotive female connectors.
- Made in France.
If there is one separate pickup:
=> This TCI works.
If there are 2 separate pickups (one for low RPM and one for High RPM):
=> This TCI works and uses only the High RPM pickup.
If the engine works with Missing Teeth:
=> This TCI will NOT works
* Twin-cylinders at 360° crankshaft angle:
The engine works with WASTED spark.
If there is ONE twin coil:
=> This TCI works.
See: TCI compatibility
Remember that ignition coils are different from TCI to CDI systems.
– CDI coils have low inductance and an impedance of around 0.3 to 0.8ohm
– TCI coils have higher inductance and impedance of around 1 to 5ohm
(1ohm for electronic ign./ 3ohms for transistorized ign./ 5ohms for points ign.)
How To setup
To program the ignition, please Print and follow this procedure: Setup Ignition box_TCIv11r5c10.pdf
Old manuals:
Setup TCIv11r5c9
Setup TCIv11r5c8
Setup TCIv11r5c7
Setup TCIv11r5c6
Setup TCIv11r5c4
Setup TCIv11r4c1
Setup TCIv11r4c0
Setup TCIv11r3c0
Setup for Suzuki Savage LS650.pdf
Click here for more infoA pickup (aka: VR, Variable Reluctor, Reluctor) is a sensor with one signal and one ground line.
It consist of a wire coiled around a magnet. When a ferrous object passes by the magnet, the magnetic field is modified and a voltage pulse is generated in the coil, resulting in a sine wave.
– 1 input for inductive pickup with 1 signal per crank revolution.
– Pickup must put out 3 to 30Vac
– Points, reluctors, Hall sensors, optical sensors can also be used as long as they give only 1 pulse per revolution. They may need an additional pullup resistor.
– 3 wires digital Hall effect sensors need an external pull-up resistor. The default voltage output is equal to Vcc (+5v to 24v). When a magnet passes in front of the sensor, the output voltage goes low and the ignition will detect the RISING edge meaning the trigger moment will be when the magnet LEAVE the sensor.
– This TCI works with 1 pickup and 1 reluctor (the metal strip on the flywheel) [A,B].
– This TCI works with 2 pickups and 2 bars [E,F].
– This TCI DOES NOT work with 1 pickup and a multi-pulse pickup (ie 2 reluctors on the flywheel) [C,D].
– This TCI DOES NOT work with 1 pickup and a missing tooth flywheel [G].
Pickup Position
Click here for more info“Pickup Position” is the number of degrees between the very first pulse from the pickup and TDC
To be able to provide the largest advance timing (Example 36° @ 4500rpm) the pickup MUST send a trigger signal BEFORE the piston reaches 36° before top dead center (BTDC).
The “Pickup Position” on the Yam XT600 is 50°. Many Yamahas have a “Pickup Position” of 72 degrees.
This “Pickup Position” is dependent on:
– Where the pickup is mechanically located with respect to TDC?
– Where is the flywheel’s bar located?
– How long is the flywheel’s bar?
“Pickup Position” AKA “Max Advance” = “Base Advance” + “Flywheel’s bar Length”
“Base Advance” value sometime appears is User Manuel.
Length of the flywheel’s bar can be measured this way.
You may measure the “Pickup Position” using a protractor.
or with a caliper and some math.
Pickup Polarity
Click here for more infoWhen the bar/magnet on the flywheel passes in front of the pickup, the pickup generates two pulses of OPPOSITE polarity.
A pickup has 2 wires.
– If you ground wire number 1, wire number 2 will put out a Positive pulse first when the rising edge comes, then a Negative pulse when the falling edge leaves. I call it PN.
– If you ground wire number 2, wire number 1 will put out a Negative pulse first, then a Positive pulse. I call it NP.
This TCI can work with both polarity (PN or NP).
Check the polarity of the pickup (Negative then Positive/NP or the opposite PN) with a Needle galvanometer (in milliAmp position) while kicking.
For a better understanding, this video can help.
Hall Effect Sensor
The ignition can use 3 wires Hall sensors.
Models : Hamlin 55100, Allegro A1101-A1104, Allegro old 3141-3144, Honeywell SS495, SS49E etc…
Pullup resistor: 370ohm (270 to 1200ohm)
Temporary Legal Rev Limiter
Click here for more infoIf the Kill switch is switched ON then OFF once during the first 30 seconds after the engine starts, a Temporary Rev Limiter will allow a maximum of 3500RPM for the current run.
After 30 seconds, Kill switch will operate normally and stop the TCI.
The TCI runs without restriction after the bike has been stopped and restarted by the Master Ignition Key.
In countries where 50cc motorcycles are highly restricted, the bike appears to be legal in the event of a control…
It can also be useful if a rookie rider is trying out the bike.
Live Display of RPM vs Timing via Wifi
For diagnostic or tuning purpose, it’s possible to live view RPM and Timing in degrees BTDC on a remote PC connected through Wifi: Video
Because of the impact on CDI performance, please disable this function when you are done!
Ignition timing
– Draw the ignition timing curve into this XLS sheet.
Rev Limiter
The last RPM value you enter is the “rev limit” that stop all sparks.
– For test only. Useful to test the ignition box, coil, sparkplug(s).
If “Auto-Spark” mode is set to 1,2,3 or4 during Setup then once the TCI is powered on, it automatically drives the coil at 300 to 10,000RPM without the need of any pickup.
0 = disable.
– Only for testing purpose. This function will fire a spark as soon as a pickup pulse is detected, bypassing the advance timing.
/!\ Don’t use the function on a running engine otherwise the spark will append way too soon and could damage the piston !!
But along with points and mechanical advance system, TCI in Bypass Mode is acting as a simple Transistorized Ignition.
Diagnose with LED
Click here for more info– If the box is started in RUN Mode: The Led will turn steady ON until a pickup is identified if Pickup is in “Auto” Mode
or flash 1 time then stays Off if Pickup is forced “PN” or “NP” Mode.
The led blinks in time when a pickup signal is detected.
The led turns off when the Maximum RPM is achieved.
The led turns off when the minimum RPM is achieved.
– If the box starts in SETUP Mode : Led blinks 3 times before flashing once every 5 seconds.
The led flashes briefly when data arrives through WIFI.
TCI ignitions need an INDUCTIVE coil type for TCI (Not a CAPACITIVE coil for CDI) with Primary resistance from 1.5ohm to 5ohm like: IMFsoft, Ignitech, Ignitech, AEM.
Why CDI coils don’t work with TCI ignitions?
Click here for more infoVIDEOS
Click here for more info- Version v11r0c0:
- First version
- Version v11r1c0:
- [soft.] Improvements
- Version v11r2c0:
- [soft.] Improvements
- Version v11r3c0:
- [soft.] Improvements
- [soft.] User can choose RPM in AutoSpark mode
- Version v11r4c0:
- [soft.] Display RPM/Timing on Wifi
Hello, I have a problem with TCI V10. On low speeds it works fine, but on higher speeds (>3000rpm?) there are no sparks.
The Eprom parameters are:
0 500
4 5
8 1300
12 14
16 3800
20 31
24 9000
28 30
32 0
36 0
40 0
44 0
48 0
52 0
56 0
60 0
64 0
68 0
72 0
76 0
80 0
84 0
88 0
92 0
96 0
100 0
104 0
108 2
112 70
116 0
120 4
124 0
Hi, Send me the result of the “U” (dump) command to
If it really stop all sparks then 2 possibilities:
– Legal rev limiter is enable (max rpm = 4000)
– There are 2 pickup pulses per revs and the TCI thinks it’s 9000rpm when it’s 4500. (write 4000 at 29, does it changes the rpm where it cuts?)
Just enable the console output “C” command with a PC connected to the USB port and read the ignition output. compare rpm to real rpm, look for any messages etc…
Addendum: Silvio, I noticed this could happen with noisy pickup, long pickup wires, wires that go along to noisy wires such as ignition coil, spark plug cable etc..
Electrical noise can be detected as false triggering and fool the TCI. Just add a 330 to 470ohm pulldown resistor between pickup input and ground close to the TCI
Hi Thierry,
This is a very nice device for all of us old motorcycle lovers.
I plan to use the edge of the advance mechanism as the reluctor ( the fixed part ). I will end up with a ‘wasted spark’ system, with the module firing twice per revolution ( this is a two stroke motorcycle )
Do you have some recommendations for common inductive pickups to use? I need something small to fit under the timing cover on my 1973 Yamaha. 25mm or less in length / height would be necessary.
Thanks Ted,
For the improvised reluctor I cannot tell. Shape, size and position is of the most importance.
I tested this inductive pickup: it works OK.
All simple analog CDI must use an inductive pickup but digital CDI/TCI have their own processor in it that can make timing calculations on it’s own and can use a large variety of sensors.
Meaning you can use a small Hall Effect Sensor with this TCI (ie: Honeywell SS495, Hamlin 55100, SII S-57P1, A3144 etc)
Thanks Thierry!
Any chance you might go to the next level and add a MAP sensor onboard, or as an optional input? We could have 2D maps. At a premium, of course ( I am a programmer – we have to eat too ! )
Hi Ted,

Ha haha. I’m afraid 2D maps is above my level that’s why there are no TPS or MAP input.
Also the hardware part is challenging if you want to deal with different external MAP sensors.
Plus it’s already the Megasquirt territory.
I’ve been getting a little inspired looking at the ESP32C3.
A few years back, somebody stripped down the Speeduino code to make a spark only ‘Sparkduino’ fork.
That seems like a good idea. I haven’t looked to see if MAP or TPS was left in it.
Your TCI is already a huge improvement over the mechanical system. I’m very grateful for it!
Is there any option for a second map so I can program two maps and switch between using a full throttle switch? One for full throttle power and one for part throttle economy is what I’m thinking.
a second map is on the todo list. 🙂
Good evening Thierry, the TCI v11 is out of product, I already have it on my Sanglas 400E and everything is perfect and starting the engine is much easier without the need to use the starter that these original motorcycles have. Congratulations on your products and above all the information and help, which is essential for the proper functioning of your products. Totally recommended for any motorcycle and even the information on its website, you have to sit down and read carefully. Thanks and greetings from Spain
Hi, I have installed the TCI v11 on a Honda CD50 (106ccm) and I have some trouble with false signals from the pickup. It seems like there are twice as many inputs/signals so the RPM´s are showing the double in the console module? What I have done is I tried another pickup (similar brand) and I installed a resistor between pickup wire and ground by the TCI module. I also pulled a new shielded and separate wire from the pickup signal to the TCI module and none of that has helped. Any idea how to solve this noise/false signal issue?
I have now tried another brand of pickup and the fault remains. What I did notice is that the 2nd signal is coming right next to the 1st signal by using the ignition gun it is obvious that the two signals (per revolution) are right next to each other. I do not know if the trigger cam on the flywheel is causing a signal on the leading edge and another signal on the trailing edge? The trigger cam is a plate approximately 10x10mm and about 2mm high.
Are you sure there are not 2 magnets on the rotor?
Is it this one:×1080/1580293504.png
-Don’t let the pickup type set to 0 (automatic detection)
Try with setup 1 (to detect positive pulse only) and try 2 also.(detect negative only)
The leading and the rising edges give signals of opposite polarity. So you cannot have 2 positive pulses.
– You really have to use a scope to see how the pickup signal looks like! You will save ton of time !
If you don’t have one you can build a small sound card interface and use a PC or Android software.
– Pulldown resistor is a good thing. How much did you use? Lower it below 500ohm.
– Shielded wire is great too. Don’t forget to ground only one side of the shield.
Hi Thierry many thanks for reply. The link you provided is exactly the ignition I have. Yes I am 100% sure there is only 1 magnet. I have now grinded some material of the magnet so it is only 2 mm from leading to trailing edge. It did not help, still double RPM´s. The shielded wire is grounded near the pickup. The resistors I have are 380 and 430 Ohms I tried both versions. The pickup is set to positive polarity and I was not aware that it alternates between positive and negative and that the setting on the TCI act as a filter, that could have saved me the grinding off the magnet had I known, thanks for info. I will try with another flywheel with intact magnet tomorrow and experiment with positive/negative polarity. I actually have a scope device that I can connect to my PC (Hanteek 1008) but I have no clue how to adjust it to get a picture that can be used to troubleshoot sorry.
Thankfully you got a Hanteek scope. If I were you, I’d focus on how to use it thoroughly instead of poking around with a flash light…
Acquisition mode to single/Trigger source CHx /Trigger Mode: Edge / Adjust the trigger level(T) to shot a stable waveform.
Welding/Grinding are used to change the advance timing but it wont change the polarity:
I managed to get some sort of graphic signal on the scope, I can email screen shoots to you if you would like to analyse it. I have the
CH-1 is a probe connected to the spark plug wire and CH-2 is connected to the pickup.
i have a problem with my tci v11.
After I put the ignition in console mode and the ignition off and on, the led shines continuously and flashes briefly every 4s. It also no longer creates a network. Is there any solution to the problem? before that the ignition worked fine
>The led shines continuously
TCI waits for pickup signal
>It also no longer creates a network.
Perhaps you have to wait a bit but it creates a network “Transmic_ign”
Double check with another device and check available SSID with a Wifi Analyzer for Android or W10
Otherwise goto “Setup Mode” (See pdf page3) and disable “Console”
Hello! Im having much problems finding original TCI box for my 4 cylinder Suzuki. Bike has electromagnetic triggers (not Hall effect). Two triggers on a plate, 2 coils and 4 cylinders. Could your TCI v11 work on my motorcycle? Much thanks, Bogdan.
Which model? My TCI has ONE input and ONE output.
So you would need 2 TCI for this 4cyl, 2coils, 2 pickups.